South park fracture but whole gender nuetral
South park fracture but whole gender nuetral

south park fracture but whole gender nuetral south park fracture but whole gender nuetral south park fracture but whole gender nuetral

It's powered by a public display of affection (with Super Craig and Wonder Tweek holding hands) and plays Let's Fighting Love at the climactic moment in a burst of pink flowers. It has a big radius, and it both confuses and damages all enemies in range, making it perfect for groups of enemies. The shared Ultimate itself is a combination Moment of Heartwarming and Awesome.A later mission has the two making up and gaining a shared Ultimate for the rest of the game. Early on in the game, Super Craig explicitly calls Wonder Tweek his ex-boyfriend and proudly states that he's gay.Tweek bought Craig a pet guinea pig, Stripe the Fourth.Since Word of God confirms that Craig and Tweek have indeed become an Official Couple in the show, it says a lot about how strong their relationship gotten to the point that Tweek is one of the only two things Craig cares about, very possibly beating out even his own family. A moment outside of the game itself: According to some whiteboard development notes for the game, Craig only cares about two things: his guinea pig and Tweek.

South park fracture but whole gender nuetral